
Cookie & Privacypolicy

Who has acces to your information?

There is only a very limited amount of employees in Multiflash A/S, who has acces to your information. This means that the employees in customer service who receives your order.

The personal information is kept unenctrypted on our webhotel, and they are being send unencrypted through the internet. All data for debit cards will however be sent with a secure encrypted connection to Nets, where we can’t acces data regarding debit cards.

Multiflash A/S videregiver ingen oplysninger til tredjeparter.

Multiflash A/S doesn’t pass any information to any third parties.

Data isn’t used commercially

Multiflash A/S doesn’t use the data, that gets collected on social media like facebook commercially, but we only collect the data, that is needed to make the application work correctly. We do not share the collected data with any third parties.

Data from applications gets deleted again

I det omfang vi opsamler data, gør vi det udelukkende af statistikhensyn. De data, der opsamles af en given applikation på fx Facebook, beholder Multiflash A/S kun i den tid, applikationen er i brug. Herefter slettes de hos os.

To the extend that we collect data, we only do it for statistic reasons. The data that is collected by any of our applications on for example facebook, is only kept my Multiflash A/S for the amount of time, the applikation is running. When the application is no longer running the data is deleted.

The app Multitrack is asking for premission to use the camera/ account: The app uses the camera to aktivate a scanning function, and take pictures of goods, and therefore do we ask for permission to use the camera.

The permission doesn’t include permission to your pictures, and these cannot be accessed from the app.

This website is provided by Multiflash A/S. On the website www.multiflash.dk cookies are only used for statistical purposes. The information is anonymous, and they are only used to improve the content and functionality of the website.

For further information about www.multiflash.dk please contact Multiflash A/S by e-mail or call +45 43 52 71 00.